30 years of experience on one single platform

Discover the new hoof trimming concept

The F-Balance® is the only measurable and reproducible concept that restores the horse’s natural balance.


In this school you will learn how to trim a hoof considering the F-Balance®, both for barefoot and shod horses.

30 years experience

Daniel Anz's experience as a trimmer and farrier teaches you a simple method that has already helped thousands of horses in more than 20 countries around the world.

Forging & shoeing

Daniel Anz also teaches you the necessary basic principles of hot and cold forging, in order to correctly adapt the shoe to the horse's hoof.

About Daniel Anz

Daniel Anz was born in Argentina. He specializes in finding the horse's body balance through hoof trimming. He is one of the leading equine podiatrists engaged in teaching and research. He is internationally renowned for his revolutionary F-Balance® concept.

He is the author of the books “The New Farrier, a practical guide for the new farrier nowadays” and “F-Balance, returning to the essence of equine podiatry”.

His particular vision and deep knowledge of the horse's foot have made him a reference in the teaching of the trade.

He is the founder, director and coordinator of the F-Balance® polymodal training system.

«Ever since I started combining the longitudinal flexibility of the hoof with its natural limits in 1999, my life changed forever. After understanding the natural mechanics of the foot, I could never again trim a hoof using the traditional technique. Never again, really.»

Daniel Anz